
Welcome to where I talk about my travels.

Off to Argentina!

Off to Argentina!

Fall travel time is coming a bit later this year because we’re headed to Argentina!

After much mulling and pondering, we decided on November as the perfect time to spend 2 weeks in Argentina. Because the country is so big, we can’t do even half of what we wanted to so we’ve already agreed to go back in 2 or 3 years. This time around, we’re sticking to the northern areas - and even then, we’re only hitting some of the really big highlights.

We don’t have all the details figured out yet but here’s what we do know:

  • We’re flying to Buenos Aires on late flight out of Toronto, landing in the early afternoon. We’ll try to see something of the city that first evening but who knows?!

  • In Buenos Aires, we’ve already got our food tour lined up along with a bunch of plazas, museums & other sites we want to see. We still need to book a tango show. And we plan on eating a LOT.

  • From Buenos Aires, we fly up to Iguazú Falls where we’ll spend a day visiting both the Argentinian and the Brazilian sides of the falls.

  • Then it’s on to Córdoba, to explore the city and do some walking in the mountains.

  • Finally, we head to Mendoza, the heart of wine country where we’ll take numerous wine tours, stuff ourselves silly with food, and check out the area. I’m also trying to find us a cooking class.

  • After Mendoza, we had back to Buenos Aires for our flight home.

We’re really looking forward to this one. We haven’t spent much time in South America (only Peru so far) and while the flight is a long one (over 14 hours), there’s only a 1-hour time difference. We’ll be packing light because we’re flying between each city with just carry ons but that should be doable since this is a food & wine & culture trip for us, not an adventure trip. Argentina is a pretty amazing food destination and our list of things to try grows every day. EDP is already talking about how much wine he’ll ship home. I’m making lists of all the sweets shops I want to visit (how much dulce de leche can one person safely consume in two weeks? Asking for a friend…) It’s going to be so delicious!

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have 83 wine tours to book.

Trekking Mont Blanc

Trekking Mont Blanc

